My Beloved Coupon Binder
It probably didn't help that to help myself go to sleep I was reading this book:
But I think it's safe to say that I'm in love. Yes, it takes some time to get initially organized, but this coupon wave is so worth riding. If I can't make my family money (I can't work because we can't afford daycare) then I sure as hell can SAVE us money.
Here's more pictures of my precious binder:
Oh yes....
And I figure too that I should document my humble beginner's stockpile:
Don't mind the papers on the left; they're going to recycling.
Anyway, there you go. That's why I haven't been blogging. Because I've been too wrapped up in the cozy arms of coupons. And yes, I will be a Krazy Coupon Lady yet.
You go, girl! I heard on Ellen today that the ladies featured on Extreme Couponing will eventually be on Hoarders..... :)